Nothing I can think of requires as many skills as being a parent. You need to have a lot of patience, be able to teach and mentor, have the ability to listen, be a leader and role model, and constantly manage expectations.

Being a parent is hard. It is a lifelong journey. So when two parents sat down with their adult daughter to meet the man who proposed to marry her, they are excited and nervous to see what he is about.

But the parents and daughter in this scenario are actors on the hidden camera show What Would You Do? And they’re on a secret mission to see how the people around them will respond when the parents lambast the young man.

At first, Madison’s parents are excited to meet their daughter’s fiancé. They have decided to meet him in public at a restaurant. And he is running a bit late. They notice that their daughter, Madison, is happy and excited to grow the family. And she thinks they’ll love the man whom she loves. But she is wrong. She underestimates her parents, and their faces drop when they see the man walking into the restaurant. Watch the video below to see the full story why they reacted like that:


Sources: AWM

By admin