Back in the day, Prince Harry and Prince William held a bond that seemed unable to be broken…ever. Sadly, no one assumed that the relationship between the two brothers would eventually get to the lowest point.

Growing up, William was the one person Harry trusted the most. “He is the one person on this earth who, I can actually really, you know, we can talk about anything and we understand each other and give each other support and everything’s fine,” Harry said of his brother on the day he turned 21. Fast forward to a year ago, the younger prince referred to his older brother as to his “archnemesis.”

During childhood, William and Harry experienced heartbreak when their mother, Princess Diana, died in a car crash. This tragedy brought the brothers, who were 12 and 15 at the time, closer than ever.

Recalling that traumatic experience, Harry described the moment he got word of his mother’s passing in his book, Spare. He described how his father sat beside his bed, telling him: “Darling boy, Mummy’s been in a car crash.

“There were complications. Mummy was quite badly injured and taken to hospital, darling boy,” Harry recalled his father saying. “He always called me ‘darling boy,’ but he was saying it quite a lot now. His voice was soft. He was in shock, it seemed.

“With a head injury. They tried, darling boy. I’m afraid she didn’t make it.”

The prince further claimed that Charles put his hand on his knee, saying: “It’s going to be OK,” but that he “didn’t hug” him.

“Everyone knows where they were and what they were doing the night my mother died,” Harry stated.

“I cried once, at the burial, and you know I go into detail about how strange it was and how actually there was some guilt that I felt and I think William felt as well, by walking around the outside of Kensington Palace.”

“There were 50,000 bouquets of flowers to our mother and there we were shaking people’s hands, smiling,” he continued. “I’ve seen the videos, right, I looked back over it all. And the wet hands that we were shaking, we couldn’t understand why their hands were wet, but it was all the tears that they were wiping away.”

Princes William and Harry walking behind her casket on the day of her funeral is an image many Britons could never forget.

Later, Harry slammed the decision that the two young boys had to walk through London with the world watching.

“My mother had just died, and I had to walk a long way behind her coffin, surrounded by thousands of people watching me while millions more did on television,” he told Newsweek in 2017. “I don’t think any child should be asked to do that, under any circumstances. I don’t think it would happen today.”

Today, William and Harry barely speak to one another. Despite the rumors that they try to extend an olive branch to one another, many claim they don’t even speak on the phone.

Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images

One of the most explosive claims revealed in Spare, whose title allegedly comes from Harry’s “spare” role as the second son of the King or the fact that he has been “spared” from his family, is the heated argument between the brothers over Meghan Markle.

According to Harry, his brother reportedly labeled Meghan “difficult,” “rude,” and “abrasive.”

Harry explained how William went to Nottingham Cottage, then Harry and Meghan’s home on Kensington Palace grounds in London, in order to discuss “‘the whole rolling catastrophe’ of their relationship and struggles with the press.”

However, the conversation turned into a heated argument.

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