When we put our lives online for the world to see, we leave ourselves vulnerable to judgment. This is especially true for Matt and Brittany Montgomery, who have faced negative reactions for sharing their life and love story online. However, their response to criticism is both clever and inspiring, highlighting the importance of standing firm in one’s convictions.

Matt and Brittany’s tale is a common one, yet it is made extraordinary by the people involved. They found each other, fell in love, and began building a life together. While their story may sound familiar, there is a twist: Matt is significantly larger than Brittany.

Brittany has struggled her entire life to feel like she belongs. Growing up with overbearing parents, she often felt unsafe and depleted after their conversations. These experiences led her to dislike her physique and feel inadequate. As a plus-size woman, she encountered two types of men: those who wanted her to lose weight and those who fetishized her curves. This dismal luck in relationships nearly led her to give up on finding love altogether.

But destiny had other plans. In August 2020, Brittany met Matt Montgomery online. Despite their physical differences, their spirits were bound together as never before. Brittany reflected, “I was a bit hesitant at first. I’ve been in relationships where guys have told me that they will dump me if I don’t start dieting or trying to lose weight. It did affect my self-confidence, and at one point, I did start working out and trying to change my size.”

Despite past insecurities, their love for one another was undeniable. After Matt proposed on January 30, 2022, the couple immediately began planning their future together. They were completely at ease with one another but discussed the outsider’s perception of their relationship. Matt shared, “People comment on Instagram and suggest that I’m not big enough or man enough for her. I do notice people staring when we walk down the street…”

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